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Real-Time Analytics & Business Intelligence for Smart Spaces

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Customizable Occupancy Analytics Solution

SmartSpaces offers an advanced computer vision solution, delivering tailored occupancy analytics for retail and warehousing. Uncover profound customer behavior insights through our dynamic system.

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Customizable occupancy analytics solution

SmartSpaces is a computer vision solution that provides customizable occupancy analytics to help retailers and warehouses better understand customer behavior.

Use Cases


SmartSpaces provides real-time analytics across devices and locations, offering instant access to critical business intelligence. With an intuitive dashboard and dedicated alerts, visualize trends and extract meaningful insights for smarter decision-making.


AI at the Edge

Utilizes cutting-edge algorithms on-device for lower latency, enhanced scalability, and reduced costs.

User-Friendly Analytics Dashboard

Displays pertinent data at a glance, offering integrated analytics for present strategies and future forecasts.

Seamless Integration via SmartCam

SmartCam effortlessly incorporates with SmartSpaces, enabling centralized visualization and analysis of SmartCam data.

Scalability with FleetTrackr

Effortlessly scale by adding or removing nodes through the plug-and-play FleetTrackr system.

Key Features

Customizable Occupancy Analytics Solution


Access Real-Time Business Insights.

Customizable Dashboards for Informed Decisions.

Generate Reports as Required.


Multi-Dashboard Setup for Actionable Insights.


Remotely program, reprogram, push, and schedule updates with an intuitive interface, streamlining AI lifecycle management.


Identify preferred paths of customers and staff, revealing key insights for shopper movement and optimal product placement.

Instantly receive alerts for suspicious activities, enhancing security and safety across your premises.

Face mask detection

Loitering detection

Intrusion detection

Unusual behavior Detection

PPE detection


Prepare for peak times by accurately forecasting busy periods. Efficient queue management leads to shorter waiting times, elevating the shopping experience. Intelligent staff allocation ensures adequately staffed shop floors for expected customer numbers.


Leverage SmartSpaces for precise footfall insights, leading to improved conversion rates and effective staff management. Our data-rich solution accounts for all entries and exits in designated areas. Back your decisions with undeniable data and transform footfall predictions into comprehensive reports, aiding budget allocation with precision.

Analytics and alerts dashboard

Get real-time information about everything that's going on in and around your business.

View all relevant information on your screen. Our dashboards can be customized to your specific use-cases, highlighting what’s important and providing your team with well-grounded decision-making capabilities.

Create reports as needed.


Enable multiple dashboards to collect actionable insights from multiple areas of interest.

Heat map

Simplify AI lifecycle management by enabling users to program, reprogram, push, and schedule updates remotely with an easy to use interface.

Path tracing

The path tracing model is used to highlight the preferred and most common routes used by both customers and staff.It enables a deeper understanding of customer behavior, not just by providing insight to better understand shopper movement, but also ideal locations for product placement.

Real-time detection

Helmetless riders, drivers who do not wear seatbelts or use a mobile phone, red light violations, and speed limit violations all have a high impact on not only the number, but also on the fatality rate of road accidents.

Detecting violations in a timely manner can have an immense effect on reducing these numbers and making our roads safer for everyone.

Face mask detection

Loitering detection

Intrusion detection

Unusual behavior Detection

PPE detection

Rush hour prediction

Use rush hour prediction to prepare staff for the busiest times of the day.

This model not only allows for effective queue management and therefore shorter customer waiting times, but it also enhances the shopping experience.

Staff benefit from rush hour prediction because shop floors are adequately staffed for the expected number of customers.

Footfall prediction

Use Smart Spaces to gain a better understanding of footfall data to increase conversion rates and plan staff effectively.

All people entering and exiting a specific area or space are counted, providing enormous amounts of data. Based on solid data, you can make operational and strategic decisions. This enables you to accurately allocate marketing and operational budgets.

Footfall predictions based on such a system imply that consistent and reliable data including comprehensive reports can be generated on a regular basis.

Use Cases


Smart Retail

Use occupancy data to gain insights, identify trends, and measure performance against KPIs by harnessing the power of machine learning and AI.

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Intelligent Surveillance Systems

Remotely monitor and gain real-time visibility of your business through a centralized dashboard with data analytics capabilities.

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